Juvenile Life Without Parole



The Roper v Simmons case took the death penalty off the table for juveniles. However, the Graham v Florida and Miller v Alabama cases left the door open for discretionary sentences of life without parole for juveniles with capital offenses. For this week’s discussion forum, view the “Juvenile Life Without Parole” Point/Counterpoint videos in Revel and research the issue or question of life sentences for juveniles. The following cases may help you find additional information using the website of the Supreme Court of the United States:

Miller v. Alabama (No. 10-9646)
Jackson v. Hobbs (No. 10-9647)
Graham v. Florida (No. 08-7412)
Roper v. Simmons (No. 03-633)
You might also find the following articles helpful which you can find through the Grantham Library:

Epstein, R. (2007). The myth of the teen brain. Scientific American Mind, 18(2), pp. 56-64.
Morse, S. J. (2005). Brain overclaim syndrome and criminal responsibility: A diagnostic note. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 3, 397-412 at p. 409.
In your discussion, respond to the following two prompts:

Describe if you think there is sufficient scientific evidence to prove that juveniles have not formed the capacity to know right from wrong.
Describe under what circumstances would you agree with a sentence of life without parole for a juvenile.


The post Juvenile Life Without Parole first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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