Watch the video:
Then answer the questions:
1. Provide an overview of the content of the episode you watched in a couple of paragraphs. What kinds of things (questions, issues, people, events, etc.) does the documentary investigate, how does it do so and what are its conclusions?
2. Discuss what in the video made the biggest impression on you and say why. What did you learn about the Great Depression from this video that you did not know before?
When you do quote or paraphrase from the film, you must also provide a timestamp – i.e. the hour/minute mark where this information can be found on the video, which serves the same function as a footnote or citation. For example:
According to Lillie Mullins, “The corn and the cotton and the garden and everything just dried up, turned yellow, and died” (Bottom 6:51).
The post The Great Depression & The Bonus Army first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.