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blockchain is an exploration of its suitability | My Assignment Tutor



CIS8504 Assignment 2 (S1 2021) DescriptionMarks out ofWtg(%)Word limitDue dateAssignment 210050Approx. 350025 MAY 2021 Much of the innovation activity surrounding a new technology such as blockchain is an exploration of its suitability for various use cases. Details about the context and requirements for specific use cases are important in understanding the consequences of using this new technology and its ability to support new markets and business models. Given the novelty, and relative immaturity, of blockchain innovation, there are a range of considerations to be undertaken when assessing the viability of blockchains as a potential solution. You will be assigned an industry/sector/application (email the course examiner if you have not received one by Week 3) for a potential use case for Blockchain Technologies (BT) (including smart contracts and dApps), and you are required to write a report which critically evaluates and analyses the possibilities of using BT in this particular use case. MY INDUSTRY ISINSURANCE Prepare a report that: Argues for the properties and conditions that make BT a value, and technically suitable, proposition and disruptor (or otherwise) in this instance.Uses an evaluation framework to determine the viability (or otherwise) of using BT in this scenario, and whether blockchains are being used appropriately here.Discusses why and where traditional databases and processes fall short of a solution, or, are more appropriate for this case.Creates and documents a candidate solution architecture design for the given use case, using BT and conventional technologies, and evaluates it against the use case requirements.Analyses the particular and inherent risks and challenges that the use of BT could pose in this Use Case.Makes a compelling recommendation for or against adoption of BT in this particular use case situation. VERY IMPORTANT NOTES Your arguments and discussion points MUST be appropriate to, and specifically reference and focus on, relevant elements of the use case assigned to you.You MUST avoid the use of very generalized statements that don’t address the uniqueness of the use case in question.Restrict your report to around 3500 words (not including list of references, letter of transmittal and title page).Your report must be a professionally structured document that has appropriate headings and sections, supporting diagrams and figures, and appendices. The writing style must be clear and succinct, grammatically correct and free from spelling mistakes.Referencing: An appropriate level of in text referencing acknowledging original sources of ideas presented in the essay must be provided together with a reference list which provides complete details for all references cited in the essays using the Harvard referencing style. a. Harvard referencing resources Install a bibliography referencing tool – Endnote which integrates with your word processor.–softwareUSQ Library how to reference correctly using the Harvard referencing system–agpsreferencing–guide ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION The file naming guidelines are as follows: It is important that you use this convention to ensure that assignments can be tracked: Familyname_studentnumber_CIS8504_A2 Replace ‘familyname’ with your family or surnameReplace ‘studentnumber’ with your student number (which starts with ‘00’)Submit your assignment using the Online Assignment Submission link on the Study Desk Late submission of assignment work: Late assignments will be penalised unless permission has been granted by the course leader BEFORE the assignment due date. Late assignments may be penalised according the USQ policy. Your assignment will be sent automatically to the plagiarism checking website Turnitin when you submit your assignment.


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