Grow Management Consultants | My Assignment Tutor

Assessment Task 2 of BSBWHS501This document is Policy and Procedures Student. It is part of the supporting assessment resourcesGrow Management ConsultantsWorkplace Health and Safety Policy and ProceduresPurposeThis policy applies to all workers at Grow Management Consultants.To outline the necessary steps taken to ensure the continued safety of the work environment forall students, staff and others participating in any activities within the premises or under theemployment of Grow Management Consultants.All employees, as well as Grow Management Consultants, are responsible for ensuring a healthyand safe workplace.DefinitionsA hazard is any potentially dangerous situation within the work environment.Incident means an event or circumstance that leads – or could have led – to unintended orunnecessary harm during a person’s participation in work with Grow Management Consultants.An injury is any incident that causes harm to a person during their participation in work activitieswith Grow Management Consultants.WHS communication and consultation means sharing information, giving workers a reasonableopportunity to express views, and taking those views into account before making decisions onhealth and safety mattersOverviewGrow Management Consultants recognises the importance of providing a safe and healthyenvironment for staff, contractors and visitors during their participation in work.Grow Management Consultants aspires for excellence in workplace health and safety and iscommitted to providing an environment which is free from risks and conducive to the productivityand efficiency needs of its staff and others.Policy1. Compliance with legislation1.1. Grow Management Consultants meets the requirements of the Work Health and SafetyAct 2011 and complies with all other relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice,advisory and best practice standards as well as organisational policies and procedures.2. Organisational responsibility and commitment2.1 Grow Management Consultants is committed to:• Providing a safe and healthy environment for all staff and others during theirparticipation in activities with Grow Management Consultants• Implementing effective risk management systems that are relevant and suitable forthe organisation’s scope of business; promote workplace health and safety at alltimes; and continuously improve performance in relation to health and safety.• Encouraging active participation, cooperation and consultation with all staff andothers in the promotion and development of measures to improve health and safety.• Actively responding to, recording and investigating all incidents.• Maintaining relevant policies, procedures, training, codes of conduct and systems tosupport and communicate effective health and safety practices throughout theorganisation.• Routinely conducting checks of the work environment to assess risks, identify hazardsand identify areas for improvement.• Taking immediate response to reduce the risk of identified workplace hazards.• Providing appropriate induction, training, information and updates to staff on aregular basis about workplace health and safety.3. Staff responsibility3.1 All staff including managers have a responsibility to work safely; take all reasonable carefor their own health and safety; and always consider the health and safety of others whomay be affected by their actions.3.2 When staff are undertaking work from home or at an off-site location, the staff memberis responsible for ensuring the environment they enter into is free from risk andoccupational health and safety hazards.4. Reporting4.1 All staff, and others are required to report any identified workplace hazards andassociated risks as soon as they become aware of them.4.2All ~taff, and others are required to report any incident that causes harm to a personduring their participation in work and/or training activities with Grow ManagementConsultants.5. Records5.1 Appropriate records of the organisation’s risk management strategy, workplace hazardsand workplace injuries will be accurately maintained at all times.Procedures1. Workplace health and safety inspections StepsResponsibility1.1Annual workplace inspections.An Annual worksite inspection will be conducted using theWorkplace Health & Safety Checklist.OperationsManager1.2 Control hazardsAll hazards identified through any of the above inspections must bereported to the Operations Manager using the Workplace HazardReport.Appropriate actions must be taken to control any hazards identified.Hazards and control mechanisms are to be recorded in the centralSafety and Hazard Register for all identified hazards.Risk ratings are to be added to the Risk Management Plan. 2. Identify and control hazards StepsResponsibility2.1Identify and control hazards.All staff have a responsibility to respond to hazards and perceivedrisks to health and safety.Any staff member who identifies a potential or actual workplacehazard must report it immediately to the Operations Manager usingthe Workplace Hazard Report.The Operations Manager will take appropriate actions to control theidentified hazards in accordance with the Health and Safety Policy.The Operations Manager will complete the Hazard Register for allidentified hazards.Hazards and their control mechanisms are to be recorded in theWorkplace Injury Register.All staff andOperationsManager StepsResponsibilityAny risk ratings are to be added to the Risk Management Plan. 3. Workplace incidents StepsResponsibility3.1Workplace incidentsIf an incident occurs in the workplace any persons attending to theincident or witness to the incident are to fill in a Workplace IncidentForm.Where the incident involves an injury, the first person in attendanceto a workplace injury should contact the First Aid Officer oremergency services in the case of a serious injury.Workplace Injury Forms are to be provided to the OperationsManager who will use the records to gather accounts of the incidentand use them as the basis of an investigation into the incident, ifrequired.All serious injuries will be reported to Worksafe.All staffOperationsManager


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