Part A: Discuss alcohol consumption and its impacts in Australia. Your discussion must include one population group at risk of alcohol

Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment Task 2
2,500 words, 60%
Purpose of assessment task
Although the daily consumption of alcohol in Australia is declining, there is still a significant portion of Australians who consume alcohol at levels that exceed recommendations (ABS 2021). Single or ongoing alcohol abuse can result in many negative physical and mental health impacts, including addiction (ABS 2021). However, alcohol abuse and addiction can be reduced and prevented. Nurses have a fundamental role in reducing or preventing alcohol abuse and addiction on an individual, community and societal level.
Due date: Friday 10th September 2021
Time: 7.59pm, prior to 4pm is recommended in case of technical issues
Location: Assignment dropbox on the HNN301 CloudDeakin unit site
Format: PDF*
*PDF conversion software is available here on Deakin Software Catalogue
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• You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.
Assignment Question / Task Description:
This assignment is split into two parts:
Part A:
Discuss alcohol consumption and its impacts in Australia. Your discussion must include one population group at risk of alcohol abuse and/or addiction, the mental health impacts of alcohol addiction, and the risk and protective factors for alcohol addiction. (Approximately 1000 words).
Part B:
Identify and evaluate the strengths and limitations of two (2) Australian mental health promotion programs currently used to address alcohol abuse and/or addiction at a community or population level. Your discussion must include aspects of harm minimisation. You also need to explain the role of the nurse in relation to reducing alcohol abuse and addiction and promoting mental health. You
may choose to explain the role of the nurse at an individual, community or population level. (Approximately 1,500 words).
Instructions for this assessment task:
• Familiarise yourself with the online material on CloudDeakin and the material covered in the seminars;
• draw on theoretical concepts of mental health promotion covered in HNN301;
• access relevant contemporary mental health promotion literature to support your discussion;
• explore well-reputed data sources reporting Australian alcohol use in addition to current peer reviewed literature examining suicide and its impacts;
• search the literature to identify mental health promotion strategies related to alcohol abuse and addiction;
• the suggested readings in the unit are a good place to start. References to noncredible websites and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task;
• make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric available before submission. This enables you to make sure all the required areas have been covered.
Presentation requirements:
Cover page required. Referencing: APA 7th Font:
12-point type size.
Times or Times New Roman.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front page. Place page number in the top right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page.
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes (consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified
Criterion mode: Points High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Starting % 80 Starting % 70 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Demonstrates understanding of alcohol use in Australia including a population group at risk, the impacts of addiction on mental health and the risk and protective factors of addiction.
All aspects of population groups at risk, the mental health impacts and the risk and protective factors are explained in a synthesised response that demonstrates integration of key concepts. Key aspects of population groups at risk, the mental health impacts and the risk and protective factors are explained in depth with some integration of key concepts. Key aspects of population groups at risk, the mental health impacts and the risk and protective factors are described in some depth but lacks integration of key concepts Most aspects of the population groups at risk, the mental health impacts and the risk and protective factors are briefly described or outlined.
Slight inaccuracies may be included. Does not demonstrate understanding of
alcohol use in Australia including population groups at risk, the mental health impacts and the risk and protective factors of addiction.
Points/Percentage 25
A number of inaccuracies may be included.
Demonstrates understanding of two mental health promotion programs to address alcohol abuse and/or addiction and effectively evaluates the chosen mental health promotion programs.
Mental health promotion programs are explained and evaluated in a synthesised response that demonstrates integration of key concepts, including integration of harm minimisation principles. Mental health promotion programs are explained and evaluated in depth that demonstrates integration of key concepts, including integration of harm minimisation principles. Mental health promotion programs are described and evaluated in some depth but lacks of integration key concepts. Some harm minimisation principles are outlined. Mental health promotion programs are briefly described or outlined. Harm minimisation is briefly mentioned.
Slight inaccuracies may be included. Does not demonstrate understanding of two mental health promotion programs to address alcohol abuse and/or addiction, including harm minimisation.
Inaccurate programs may be identified or the programs are not
Points/Percentage 30 effectively explained.
A number of inaccuracies may be included.
Demonstrates understanding of the
role of the nurse in relation to reducing alcohol abuse and addiction, and promoting mental health.
All aspects of the nurse’s role are explained in a synthesised response that demonstrates integration of key concepts. Key aspects of the nurse’s role are explained in depth with some integration of key concepts. Key aspects of the nurse’s role are described in some depth but lacks integration of key concepts. Most aspects of the nurse’s role are briefly described or outlined. Lacks detail and depth.
Slight inaccuracies may be included.
Does not demonstrate
understanding of
the role of the nurse in relation to reducing alcohol abuse and addiction and promoting mental health.
Points/Percentage 25
A number of inaccuracies may be included.
Relevant literature selected and used to support discussion. There is evidence of thorough research through the selection of quality literature, which is utilised skillfully to develop a coherent and convincing argument. There is evidence of wide research through the selection of mostly quality literature, which is utilised skillfully to support the claims made. There is evidence of sufficient research through the selection of mostly quality literature, which is
utilised well to support the claims made. The quality of the
literature selected is adequate and has been utilised to support the claims made most of the time. The quality of the literature is inadequate which has resulted in an unsatisfactory explanation of the concepts and insufficient evidence to support the claims made.
Points/Percentage 10
Formatting and Referencing style is accurate and consistent with APA 7 style. Adhered to APA 7
referencing style at all times. Adhered to APA 7 referencing style with minimal errors in text or the reference list. Adhered to APA 7 referencing style with minor errors in text or reference list. Adhered to APA 7 referencing style with significant errors noted in text or reference list. APA 7 style not used to support discussion in text or reference list.
Points/Percentage 5
Writing is in accordance with standard language conventions. Content is presented in a coherent and logically-organised sequence and expressed in engaging, well written, Content presented is logically organised and expressed in clear and grammatically correct language with minimal errors in spelling and grammar. The content is logically organised and most of the time is expressed in clear language with few errors in spelling and grammar. Content can be understood adequately, although improvements could be made to one of more of the following:
better organisation; Disorganised structure and unclear expression make it difficult to follow ideas, and multiple spelling and grammatical errors significantly detract
Points/Percentage 5
grammatically correct language. clearer articulation of ideas; and greater attention to spelling and grammar. from readability throughout.
Total Points 100

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